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Benefits Premium VIP MM2H
The benefits and privileges of Malaysia's Premium VIP MM2H Visa.


Visa Tenure
Twenty years, with an option to renew at another 20 years.

Participants are not restricted to any age category and are permitted to study, invest, run a businesses and take up employment.

Minimum stay
Not applicable.

PVIP participants can bring their spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law and a domestic worker as dependants. Subject to existing immigration laws.

Property investment

Any property may be purchased, provided it's conform that state's government requirements for minimum purchase price applicable to foreigners. Naturally, this also applies to citizens from Germany. Your MM2H consultant will be able to give more details on this. Or just use the form below for inquiries.

Frequently Asked Questions

That used to be the case. However, since the start of 2024, all MM2H applications need to be submitted by a recognized MM2H agent. More details? Please submit the form at the bottom of this page.
No. The fixed deposit needs to be placed at a local bank.
Depending on the situation, after one or two years, the FD may be tapped into to the tune of 40-50% of the total FD sum, albeit solely for the purpose of housing, education or medical care.
Yes, with MM2H, you're free to buy a property. In fact, Malaysia is one of very few countries that allows foreigners, Germans included, to buy and own property outright, even freehold property. Sure, some terms and conditions apply, but that's fair enough. Use the form below if you'd like more details on this topic.
The medical includes tests for communicable diseases, including TB, HIV, Malaria and Hepatitis. Yes, all dependents need to undergo and pass the medical. The medical can take place at any certified medical institution, as long as it's in the same jurisdiction as the MM2H application in question. In some cases, applicants that have been denied insurance eligibility, for instance on the basis of their advanced age, can have the medical waived.
Choosing the right medical insurance ensures you're appropriately covered for any medical episodes that may be encountered. As there are several companies in Malaysia, local and international, offering suitable insurance services, we recommenddoing due diligence to whittle your options down to a couple of contenders. Use the form below to let us know if you could use some suggestions.
By default, employment is not permitted whilst in Malaysia. However, MM2H holders over 50 years of age can submit a request to work part-time.
It typically takes roughly three months for the visa application to be processed. There are exceptions, however, since the process may involve third-party entities, including authorities located overseas.
Offshore income, including general remittances, rental income and fixed income such as dividends, FD coupon payments, are all not taxable. Any capital appreciation, both offshore and local, is also not taxed. However, locally-derived employment income is taxable. Need more details? By all means let us know with the form below.
Yes. And yes, MM2H holders are eligible for bank loans of up to 80% of the value of the property. More details? Please submit the form at the bottom of this page.
You'll need to present a letter by your government/employer as well as 3/6 months' worth of banks statements that display the amounts in question.
Yes, a bond is payable by the MM2H applicant; the exact amount depends on the applicant's country of birth. More details? Go ahead and use the form at the bottom of this page.
Your kids need to be enrolled first, upon which you can apply for the relevant MM2H Visa.
Foreigners in Malaysia, Germans included, are permitted to buy land for residential purposes only.
Yes, that's correct.
You can simply have your passport renewed, after which you'll be able to add the balance of your MM2H tenure at the immigration office of your MM2H's jurisdiction.
You can take your passport to the immigration office in your jurisdiction, along with all documents required, after which the renewal will be processed. More details? Please use the form below.
Once your visa has expired for the second time, a fresh MM2H application has to be submitted.
If your application is on the basis of your kids' education, their school needs to be in the jurisdiction of the MM2H you're applying for.
Please provide documentation containing details of the medical condition in question, as verified by either a private or a government physician registered with the Malaysia Medical Council.
That used to be the case. However, with the exception of the Sarawak MM2H visa, all latest versions of the MM2H visas require the purchase of a property within that particular jurisdiction, i.e. West Malaysia or Sabah. There are, however, several legal workarounds. For more details on these, click here.
MM2H is a risk-free program and it can be cancelled prematurely quite easily, after which any fixed deposit will be duly returned. The exact steps depend on the circumstances of the MM2H-holder, however. For the full process, please submit the form below.

Want to speak to a knowledgeable Premium MM2H Visa representative? Use below form.

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Some MM2H-related sites out there contain dated info. FYI, MM2H Germany was last updated on

All information contained herein is correct at time of publication. cannot and will not be held accountable for any inaccuracy, omission, or obsolescence that may occur. All rates are subject to change.